Interested In Booking Us?

Make your forthcoming Birthday Party, Wedding, Local Fair, Dance, or in fact any social event more memorable. We will make it a day to remember (we promise you!) - and we are very affordable. Contact our Bagman for an irresistible offer.

Interested In Joining Us?

Contrary to popular opinion you do not need to be young, fit and slightly eccentric, although these qualities do help. Nor do you need an infinite capacity for ale - an infinite capacity for paying for everyone else's will however be of advantage. You will be made most welcome. It cost nothing to join or to learn and full instruction in the dance sequences will be given, always at a pace you feel comfortable with. We are always keen to enlarge our 'band' so musicians are also welcome.

We meet every Thursday for our practice, leaving at 10:00pm for one of several well-tried pubs to carry out a quality audit on the local brew. Some Thursdays we will 'dance out', meeting at one of our favorite pubs in full regalia for an evening of dance, music and a little light refreshment. For more information ring our Bagman (Morris-speak for secretary cum treasurer) using the number at the bottom of the page. We will even arrange a lift for your first visit (to ensure you don't think better of it and change your mind).

How To Find Us?

If you would like to discuss booking or joining possibilities we can be found most Thursdays at the Jubilee Hall between 8:30pm and 10:00pm. It is located behind the Asda car park in the center of Sedgley, contact us for full directions and to check we are going to be there.

Phone: 0121 6810891